Asif Ali Biography: Age, Wife, and Family 2024

Asif Ali, a prominent figure in the enteainment industry, has captivated audiences with his versatile acting and charming persona. Born on February 4, 1986, in Thodupuzha, Kerala, India, Asif Ali’s journey from a small-town boy to a celebrated actor is nothing short of inspiring. Asif Ali Biography

Early Life and Background

Asif Ali Biography

Date of Birth Oct 01, 1991
Age 33 Years
Birth Place Faisalabad, Pakistan
Residence Faisalabad, Pakistan
Country Pakistan
Profession Cricketer
Education (will update soon)
Father (will update soon)
Mother (will update soon)
Nationality Pakistani
Siblings (will update soon)
Brother (will update soon)
Religion Islam
Spouse (will update soon)
Horoscope (will update soon)
Weight 70
Height 5 feet 10 inches
Net Worth 3.5 Million
Category Sports Players and Athletes

Asif Ali spent his childhood immersed in the scenic beauty of Thodupuzha. His early years were marked by a passion for the arts, evident in his participation in school plays and cultural events. Asif’s academic journey led him to pursue a degree in Business Administration, laying the foundation for his future endeavors.

Entry into the Entertainment Industry

Asif Ali’s entry into the film industry was a turning point in his life. In 2009, he made his debut with the film “Ritu,” showcasing his acting prowess. The initial years saw him experimenting with various roles, gaining experience, and gradually making a name for himself.

Rise to Fame

The turning point in Asif Ali’s career came with his breakthrough roles in films like “Ithu Nammude Katha” and “Salt N’ Pepper.” These films not only garnered critical acclaim but also established Asif as a bankable actor in the industry. His dedication and unique approach to each character earned him recognition and several awards. Asif Ali Biography

Personal Life

Asif Ali, at the age of 38, remains a private individual when it comes to his personal life. However, his fans are keen on knowing more about the man behind the characters. Born into a close-knit family, Asif values the importance of familial bonds. Asif Ali Biography

Asif Ali’s Wife

In 2013, Asif Ali tied the knot with his long-time girlfriend, Zama Mazreen. Their love story is a tale of companionship, mutual support, and shared dreams. Zama, who hails from Kannur, has been a pillar of strength for Asif throughout his journey in the film industry.

Asif Ali’s Family

Asif Ali’s family plays a significant role in his life. His parents, M.P. Shoukath Ali and Molly Ali, have been supportive of his career choices. Asif often credits his family for instilling in him the values that have shaped his professional and personal life.

Career Achievements

With a career spanning over a decade, Asif Ali has achieved remarkable milestones. From his memorable performances in films like “Honey Bee” to his impactful roles in “Kavi Uddheshichathu,” his versatility has made him a favorite among audiences and critics alike. Asif Ali Biography

Asif Ali’s 2024 Projects

Asif Ali continues to be a sought-after actor, with several exciting projects lined up for 2024. Fans eagerly await his upcoming films, anticipating yet another set of stellar performances. Asif Ali Biography

Challenges Faced 

Despite his success, Asif Ali has faced his share of challenges. From initial struggles to balancing personal and professional life, he has navigated obstacles with resilience, emerging stronger and more determined. Asif Ali Biography

Social Media Presence

In the digital age, Asif Ali has embraced social media to connect with his fans. His Instagram and Twitter accounts provide glimpses into his life, fostering a sense of intimacy with his followers. 

Philanthropic Activities

Beyond the glamour of the film industry, Asif Ali is involved in various philanthropic activities. His efforts towards community development and charitable initiatives reflect his commitment to making a positive impact on society.


While Asif Ali has maintained a relatively low profile, addressing any controversies head-on, his focus on his craft and personal life has kept him away from major public scrutiny.

Legacy and Impact

Asif Ali’s legacy extends beyond the silver screen. His contributions to the industry, coupled with his philanthropic work, make him a role model for aspiring actors. As the industry evolves, Asif Ali’s impact remains indelible. Asif Ali Biography


In a career marked by versatility, dedication, and humility, Asif Ali continues to shine as a beacon in the Indian film industry. His journey from a small-town boy to a celebrated actor serves as an inspiration to many. As we look forward to his upcoming projects, one thing is certain – Asif Ali’s story is far from over.



  1. Is Asif Ali active on social media?
    • Yes, Asif Ali is active on Instagram and Twitter, where he shares updates and interacts with his fans.
  2. What are Asif Ali’s notable achievements in his career?
    • Asif Ali has received acclaim for his roles in films like “Salt N’ Pepper” and “Honey Bee,” earning awards and recognition.
  3. How did Asif Ali meet his wife, Zama Mazreen?
    • Asif Ali and Zama Mazreen’s love story began before his entry into the film industry, showcasing a strong bond built over time.
  4. Are there any controversies surrounding Asif Ali?
    • Asif Ali has maintained a relatively controversy-free image, focusing on his work and personal life.
  5. What can we expect from Asif Ali in 2024?
    • Asif Ali has exciting projects lined up for 2024, promising fans another year of remarkable performances.

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